English Communication Confidence Blog

Apply The Slow Movement To Your English Communication Skills Development

Dec 27, 2023

When you think about speaking English like a native, you probably think that fast is best, don’t you? You consider speed to be equal to fluency and that you’ll sound more professional when you speak quickly. So, what if I told you to do the complete opposite? Go slow. I’m not saying to speak slowly. But, I am suggesting that you embrace The Slow Movement as a way to go deeper into the language instead of wider. When you do, you’ll have English communication skills you can rely on. Read on to learn how this works.


First, What Is The Slow Movement?

Let’s start with defining The Slow Movement. The Slow Movement, originating from The Slow Food Movement in the 1980s, is a cultural shift towards slowing down the pace of life, savoring experiences, and appreciating the value of taking one's time. I don’t know about you, but I sure can use a bit of that after a 2023 that left me with some unwanted health issues, including a very recent herniated disc.

I learned from my family that fast is the best way to produce positive outcomes in my life. And I have to say that I’ve enjoyed working with this kind of intensity. It’s provided me with amazing opportunities, fun, and a sense of accomplishment.

But, when you get hit with health problems that make it impossible for you to maintain the status quo, you have to look to new alternatives. Since The Slow Movement encourages a more mindful and intentional approach to daily living, it seemed like the perfect time for me to incorporate it into my life. Well, and yours too!

You see, The Slow Movement emphasizes quality over quantity. And quite frankly, I’m here today to tell you that the quality of your spoken English is much more important than the quantity.

You can apply that to vocabulary, for example.

Do you really think that you’re using the library of words you already know? I seriously doubt it. So, if you can dive into optimizing those words before you add 10 new ones to your archive, you’d be applying The Slow Movement philosophy to your polished English. Then, you’ll have a richer understanding and more meaningful relationship to your English communication skills.


Why You Need A Meaningful Relationship To Your Second Language 

We all know how essential it is to speak effectively at work. Whether you’re up for a promotion, need to present weekly to your team, or simply wish to make suggestions for improved policies to your HR department, communicating confidently and skillfully get you where you want to go.

However, it’s easy to feel disconnected from ourselves in a second language. It happens with me all the time in Portuguese. I’m much more transactional in my communication. I say the minimal amount of words needed to ask questions and to make my points. Do you do that in English?

What would it look like for you to have a more meaningful relationship with your English this year?

If you went deeper instead of wider into your relationship with your English, I imagine:

  1. You’d be in position to navigate the international workplace with more finesse.
  2. You’d be able to consider cultural subtleties with greater agility.
  3. And, my favorite, you’d understand the musical components of English so you can connect authentically with important stakeholders, peers, and friends.

When your speech goes beyond basic language proficiency, you elevate those transactional conversations and your English-speaking life produces more meaningful experiences.

I'm sure that's something of interest to you, isn't it?

But, here's the thing. You can't rush.


The Drawbacks of Rushed Learning

Let me share a little something with you: My clients are always asking me “How can I sound more eloquent in English? What’s the secret to expressing myself confidently?”

I can tell you one thing I know for sure, it's about speaking with intention. 

In an attempt to reach global opportunities quickly, many of my clients make the mistake of adopting rushed language learning techniques.

And although there’s a time and a place for that with potential immediate gains, the truth is that rushed learning can result in a surface-level understanding that works once or twice but isn’t sustainable.

Speaking quickly often puts us out of sync with being coherent. And since being understood takes extra effort in our second languages, we have to deeply consider how going fast might hinder our desired communication results.

Rushed learning only satisfies the moment and one could say it isn’t true development. So, if you focus on rushed language learning techniques, you won’t reach the sophistication you’re looking for in your communication.

For your eloquent and confident speech to stick, you need to be intentional with your speech. And that, my friend, requires slow learning. 


The Outcome Of Your Advanced English When You Apply The Slow Movement 

1. Deep Learning and Retention

The Slow Movement advocates for deep learning experiences that allow you to immerse yourself fully into any subject. This slow, sincere, and deliberate attention enables the brain to create robust neural connections allowing you to experience enhanced comprehension and retention.

When you apply this to the development of your spoken English and American accent, you’ll have to have a certain level of dedication, quality time, and real curiosity to the learning so you can understand the deeper components of how English works and sounds.

I’m always so happy when I engage with someone who understands this.

They end up driving their own learning and I can act as a true coach supporting them, pushing them, and pointing them in the right direction.

This is rewarding for you and brings a big smile to my face.

2. Cultural Sensitivity and Contextual Understanding

Language is not just a set of words, grammar rules, and pronunciation; it is deeply intertwined with culture and context.

In fact, one of my colleagues, Lauren Supraner, has established her methodology precisely on this premise—she says we can’t separate language from culture and when you understand the values of a culture, you can go more deeply into the language and its many accents.

Luckily, The Slow Movement encourages you to take the time needed to understand the cultural elements embedded in language.

This not only includes idioms, metaphors, and cultural references that often fill advanced conversations, but it also involves the different rhythms, intonation patterns, and speed of a language that are found throughout the many regions of a country.

A slow and deliberate approach to understanding these components really allows you to polish your accent and speech while grasping the cultural context. This ensures your communication is not only accurate in the traditional sense, but that it is also culturally sensitive.   

3. Enhanced Articulation & Accent

I think we can fairly say that getting the speech patterns of a foreign language can be quite challenging.

Many professionals I work with tell me that they don’t have a musical ear. They worry that they can’t learn The Diamond MethodTM without musical training.

Of course, a musical background can help, but you don’t have to feel excluded from improving your articulation and accent if you are ready to go slow.

Remember, there is no quick fix.

Rushing through your practice often leads to poor speech habits while The Slow Movement emphasizes connecting to your senses. If, for example, you tune into your sense of hearing, you can pay closer attention to the finer details of melody, stress, and the articulation of individual sounds.  

You need to take time to really hear. Start by asking yourself questions like: “How loud is the sound I’m hearing? Where in my ears is the sound touching? Are there vibrations to the sounds I’m hearing? Remember to use your curiosity here to build your sense of hearing.

When you go deeper in this way, you’ll get closer to native-like speech patterns. I promise!  

4. Confidence Through Thoughtful Expression

I told you earlier in this post that most of my clients are striving to feel more confident in their English.

It’s a journey that demands a lot of attention since we can experience setbacks quite easily in a second language when we’re asked to repeat ourselves too frequently; passed over for a promotion; or not dedicated to the learning path.

If you’re ready to own your confidence, you can get there by staying more mindful when you speak. In other words, use thoughtful expression and consider the person on the other side of the conversation.

The Slow Movement encourages individuals to do this.

You can reduce your speed, emphasize a meaningful word, and add an engaging instance of silence to demonstrate confidence. Even if you may not be feeling completely confident, you’ll be surprised how slowing down can bring you closer to feeling competent.

You’ll get there one way or another because you’ll be communicating with a sense of purpose.  


Strategies For Embracing The Slow Movement in Your English Communication Skills Development

1. Immersive Cohort Training

As you get more and more into The Slow Movement mindset in 2024, you can embrace The Slow Movement for your speech enhancement by considering immersive cohort training.

I love these environments because they enable you to think and reflect intensively in a short period of time. You learn in a focused and intentional environment amongst other international professionals and go slowly and deliberately into the exploration of the American accent and your English communication skills.

Get on the waitlist for my first cohort of the year here.

2. Daily Journaling and Reflection

I’m a big writer. I hope you recognize that by my blog posts, educational emails, and LinkedIn material. I just love to write.

In fact, I started keeping a diary when I was about 10 years old.

I’ve learned that journal writing is one of the finest ways to understand myself. Free writing formats like journaling teach you how to be less judgmental of yourself. It helps you become creative and is a great way to build inner trust.

I think you might like journaling as a way to deepen your relationship with your English. You can take your time to express your thoughts, ideas, and experiences about English.

This will provide you with an opportunity to internalize what you think and feel about English—how it looks and how it sounds. Plus, this is a great slow-movement activity for you.

3. Regular Conversation Practice

Quality over quantity is a key tenet of the Slow Movement. So, instead of aiming for a high volume of conversations, what if you learned to benefit from regular, meaningful dialogues instead?

Engaging in discussions that require thoughtfulness and depth contributes to a more profound grasp of advanced English speaking skills. And I know that is something you’re looking for.

At the end of my trainings—whether group or private—I often suggest that graduates find a native English speaker to have a lunch or coffee with once or twice a month. Let them know the communication goals you’ve got and how you hope they can help you grow.

With this kind of regular and intentional conversation practice, you’ll be sure to advance your speaking skills in an enjoyable way, so see if you can find a native English speaker who would be game to meet you once a month.

You don’t need any agenda other than to have a slow, meaningful time with them.

4. Continuity, Coaching, and Feedback

Seeking continuity is essential to anything that we learn. Remember, we’re not doing one and done. We’re looking for long-term results which means that you need to find some kind of continuity to the development of your English.

In the same way that I’ve created a Membership program so that I can take my coaching skills to higher levels, you want guidance from a coach who will use The Slow Movement to help you advance your confidence and eloquence in English.

Regular feedback on your vocabulary, accent, and overall communication style will allow you to customize your learning to make gradual improvements that last a lifetime.

This intentional approach to feedback aligns with the Slow Movement's emphasis on continuous, mindful progress.

Get on the waitlist for my first cohort of the year here so I can guide you on your English Learning Journey. 


The Long-Term Benefits of The Slow Movement On Your Polished English

1. Sustainable Progress

When you invest time in understanding the intricacies of spoken English you’ll find that your skills will endure and improve steadily over the long term. That means you won’t feel as anxious about your English and you'll have something solid you can rely on. 

That reliability frees you to become a full version of yourself in your second language. This is something that I know you crave.

So, how about indulging yourself in The Slow Movement so you can reach your English-speaking dreams in a sustainable way?

2. Cultivation of Patience

Let’s take into account that language learning is a journey that requires patience and perseverance.

Even at fluent levels of speech, The Slow Movement will be your friend instilling a sense of patience in you and reminding you that mastery takes time.

This cultivated patience will become your best friend in times of frustration and challenges and your true north as you navigate each step of your English-speaking career.

3. Agility in Diverse Settings

Agility is a buzzword today in the corporate world and certainly one of relevance here.

Professionals like you who take the time to deeply understand the nuances of advanced speaking skills are better equipped to adapt to diverse professional settings.

Whether you’re engaging in high-stakes negotiations, presenting to international audiences, or participating in global conferences, The Slow Movement's emphasis on depth, understanding, and agility puts you in a position for unique success in every context.

4. Increased Cultural Intelligence

Circling back to culture, we know that language and culture are inseparable.

The Slow Movement's encouragement of immersing yourself in a culture aligns with the development of cultural intelligence. When you take the time to understand the cultural context of American English, you will feel enriched over the course of your American life. 



In the rush to acquire fluent English speaking skills and advance your career, we can say that it's easy to overlook the profound benefits The Slow Movement can have on your development.

But, if you slow down for a few moments and adopt a deliberate approach to your spoken English and American accent, you can manifest a deep understanding of English that will lead you to the kind of polished communication skills that extend beyond mere proficiency.

The Slow Movement's principles of mindfulness, patience, and appreciation are important clues for you to consider on your journey of mastering English.

So, I hope, like me, you’ll take 2024 to use this powerful and transformative philosophy to reach your goals. I only wish for your excellence and success in your English communications and am a firm believer that The Slow Movement will get you there.

Please leave a comment or question below and let me know how you'd like to go deeper into the subject in January 😉

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